Hungry doughnut recycling box - free printable

We are sharing a super easy DIY designed with love by us at Doodlemoo.
How to make a Hungry Doughnut recycling box with our free printables which you can download from our website from
This activity is a great way to get the kids into creating and at the same time learning about the benefits of recycling and helping our planet!
Feeding the hungry doughnut has proven to be super fun in our home plus the box looks super cool in any room. You can add the eyes or choose not to, choose from a chocolate or strawberry flavour or have the kids colouring in. The small boxes' printables are also available from our free printables section.
you can watch us making this activity on our YouTube Channel here
What you need: Old cardboard box, printer, paper or card, colours, scissors, scalpel to open mouth, old bits of paper to feed
As always we would love to know what you think, leave us a review and a like! And share the love so we can keep making lovely things for your little ones.