CHRISTMAS mini piñatas DIY - free download

HO HO HO!! Christmas mini piñatas DIY - free download.
And it's nearly the best time of the year!! Our kids are so excited about Christmas and we have already been making these cute Christmas mini piñatas! Hang them from the Christmas tree or on the kids bedrooms, and open on Christmas day, colour them in and decorate with glitter for hours of fun to get into the Christmas spirit!. Choose from Fun Santa, Singing Angel, Rain Deer and Sleepy Star! or all of them!
You can watch the video on YOU TUBE for instructions on how to make our Christmas mini piñatas DIY and we would love it if you subscribe so we can keep making more fun DIYs!
All you need is:
A printer, card or paper, string, pompoms (flyingtiger have the perfect ones with a tube inside) or little bell, scissors, glue, you can add glitter or colours, and chocolates or xmas treats. Cut out around the shape and glue the flaps, make sure the bottom is loosely stuck so the kids can pull the string to get the goodies from inside the Christmas mini piñatas!
Please share your creations with us, we would love to see what you make!