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On being awarded a Business Support Grant and pushing myself

Wow and thanks for my Business Support Grant
On pushing yourself and being awarded a Business Support Grant I recently applied for a Business Support Grant from my local council and I am so proud to say that I was awarded £1000! So I wanted to write a bit about this experience and thank the Reigate and Banstead council for this investment in my business. Up to now Doodlemoo and my design Studio Loro have been self funded and I recently found out that my local council has a programme to support small businesses in the area, which I wish I had known before. They also organise great learning lunches in which an expert speaks on a certain topic, then you have time to network, chat and lunch with other independent business owners. I’ve been enjoying going to these as I work from my home studio by myself. They also offer a business course and lots of resources. When I found out about the Business Support Grant I was really excited, as I have been needing a new computer for a while as it is my most important asset and tool. As a designer and maker my Mac is my everyday tool. So I decided to be brave and apply, got my business plan together and immediately got an interview appointment. I felt a little nervous at the thought of the interview but lately I’ve been trying to push my self as much as I can. I prepared well in making sure I had my figures and print outs for any questions. The interview turned out to be a great conversation about what I do and why. I think my passion for my business really came through at the interview and I was told they would be really happy for me to have the investment. As well as this grant I received a year's membership to the Enterprise Nation who also helps small businesses grow and improve. I wanted to thank the Reigate and Banstead council again for this opportunity, Simon Bland and Cath McDermott who are amazingly encouraging and friendly. And would encourage anyone looking into applying not think too much about it and just go for it. My advice is to try and find as many opportunities for achieving your goals as possible and to remember that one of the most important assets you have is you, your passion and your personality.

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